We are not the biggest pot heads on the planet and to be honest we didn’t really understand want wax, honeycomb, or crumble (other names include: budder, and sap) was or even where to get it. Soon we realized it was a softer, opaque version of shatter (again not something we are super versed in either). But this made us have a bit more understanding (here is a great article from Leafly on Wax & Shatter) as to what to do with the Saber Vape Pen. So Let’s talk about it…
The way you need to vape solids is much different than oils or dry herb. For this reason the design of the chamber and the coils are vastly different and the Saber is designed solely for solids (it won’t vape oils or herb). This is a rather tiny little tube mod that has a pretty cool magnetic system to attach both the camber and the top cap to the mod, it also magnetically attaches to the charger too. The magnets are strong and fun to play with really. There is 3 power or volt mods to increase or decrease the vape intensity and temperature. The button is nice and clicky and flush with the body of the mod. There are LEDs surrounding the button and at the bottom of the mod that light up green, blue, or red based on the selected power setting. This looks sort of cool but could cause some attention when you are going for a stealthy vape. The Saber comes with all you need to get started, two coils/chambers, usb charger ( you will need a power source), and a dabbing tool to help load up the chamber.
Flavour is decent. We aren’t sure if it’s the wide bore of the drip tip or this method of consumption, but the flavour is sort of muted in contrast to vaping dry herb. It’s not bad, we would just like more of it. We did note a drastic difference in flavour between the ceramic and the wire wrapped quartz chambers. It’s important on first burn to throw in a chunk of wax and slowly let in melt and absorb into the coils. This primes them, take the time on this, it will improve the vape experience (you could also effect the ceramic coils ability if you go hot and heavy on it without a little break-in). The ceramic once coated nicely have much nicer flavour tones and was a much smoother vape. But some of you may like the intensity the wire & quartz has to offer. We like vaping on the mid or blue (3.9V) setting for the best flavour and vape temperature (not to say this is a super warm vape).
Chambers are sort of like a coil and chamber in one and aren’t something you clean. Also most solids burn off , they leave residue but it takes awhile to build up and hinder the coils ineffective. Good new is you can get replacements in a set (includes one of each type) for $14. We wish you could select them by type, especially when we prefer the ceramic over the wire and quartz drastically. But the chambers are easy to load thanks to a large fill port. You can fit more than enough for a good session.
Vapor is a little on the light side. This style of vaping seems to be more targeted to a clean vape with less odor and vapor production. But if you are looking for some volume to your vape, this isn’t it.
Fit & Finish is impressive at this price point. The packaging feels and looks premium (even has a magnetic box lid). The mod has a nice matte finish, the LEDs are bright (maybe too bright like we mentioned), the magnet connections are strong, the drip tip is comfortable (maybe even be glass), really there is nothing to fault here. If solids are you vape style of choice then there is a lot to make you happy.
Battery Life is impressive, we are guessing the coils have a high resistance that keeps the temps just right without burning the precious goods. This also goes easy on your battery which translates into longer vape sessions. 650 mAh is a great size battery for this application.
Well for our first dab into dabbing (bad joke) the Saber Wax Pen has been a pleasant experience. Maybe not enough flavour intensity for us, but it does produce a nice clean high with little to no odor. So we have to report that this pretty sexy little $40 vape does it’s job very well. It’s a no brainer and hey those magnets sure are fun to play with between session. Vape on!