It’s about time we started hooking you up with great Flavourchasing products we review! We are starting a Sweepstakes series to do just that called FlavourStakes! We will be partnering with all the fine folks we happen to know or deal with, you will know most of them for sure. Our hopes are to bring you only the finest examples of Mods, Attys, and Juices that we think you need to try or have in your collection. This is only the beginning, we plan on bringing a number of different initiatives out into the community to bring us all together and celebrate/enjoy all the great product innovations that are happening as of late.
Thanks for your support and stay tuned for the first sweepstakes, FlavourStakes #1 will be a partnership with our friends Acevaper. We will be giving away an Atty and a Juice you just need to have! As a bonus we also have a 5% discount coupon for you with Acevaper for all their products online, Coupon Code: FLV5