The NarDA RDA will go down in history as one of the most sought after and renowned RDAs. Nareg Tatian is an extremely talented and obsessed with perfection modder. Whether it is one of his tanks or RDAs, months of tweaking and machine to get it perfect always goes into anything he produces. On top of this he is just an awesome, friendly guy. We had the NarDA, then the NarTA and NarBA, then out of almost no where come the NarCA. Think of the NarCA as the NarDA evolved. All the same great qualities of the original with some vast improvements to make it an equally sought after atty.
From the outside or top cap it looks like a NarDA with a slam cap, but don’t let this fool you. Inside the deck is all new with major design improvements. First off, although the top cap looks like the slam cap it is even more low profile. The deck now sports coil alignment channels to make building nice and easy. Part of these channels also act as an AFC stop making alignment and adjustment of the AFC much easier than the original. The biggest change is the airflow inlets or ramps that direct the air to your coil. They have an hour glass like shape that adds a great swooshy flow and we are extremely happy to report has eliminated the whistle! Something that plagued the NarDA in our opinion. The level of machining and finish are out of control. This is not a cheap atty, but in this case the quality level matches the price point. Under the top cap there is also a chiseled chamber to really condense the vapor chamber around your coil. Aesthetically the clean lines make the NarCA look good on any mod while giving it a sense of its high end nature.
Flavour is always an expected quality of any Nar Mods product. And of course you won’t be let down, if there is any modder to buy from blindly it would be Nareg’s stuff. It’s crisp and accurate, if you are squonking this baby, you will sensing/taste it going dry before there is ever a chance of a dry hit. Remember that it was Nareg that basically invented the dual airflow on a single coil setup. The new ramp design which has history from his and our friend Hoberto of Hobo Customs has taken things up a serious notch from the NarDA.
The airflow is a treat! So swooshy and quiet. That hour glass design adds a turbulence that is extremely satisfying. Fully open it’s a little too open for us, close it down to 1/2 or 1/3 and then you have a great restricted lung hit that amps up the flavour.
Building is a cinch thanks to the building slots and the large flat head screws that easily secure any wire you throw at them. We played around with builds and even though pictured is a high gauge clapton build we favour a simple 24 awg, Kanthal, 5 wrap, 3mm ID, 0.5 Ohm run at 35-40W. At around 37W it’s a warm super flavourful build.
Juice capacity is great thanks to the very deep juice well, sort of surprising really for such a low profile atty. The squonk actions is smooth and the BF pin is slightly raised to allow a small pool of juice to extend time between squonks. The Airflow design also makes leaking an near impossible event.
Like we said in the intro the NarCA is the NarDA evolved. And with all natural evolution usually things get better rather than worse. In this case we think it’s leaps and bounds. The NarCA is almost a completely different beast, we think Nareg had to go through the other iterations and products to get to this atty, but wow has all the insanely hard work paid off. Sure we know, it’s expensive and impossible to get, but if you have even the slightest chance of getting one, do everything you can to secure one. Yet anther piece of perfection that will go down in history. We love the NarCa, Nar Mods & Nareg!
Hi, great review as always!
Do you have any ni80 simple build recommendation for this narca since i cant stand with khantal taste?
Many thanks
Hey Ari,
Thanks! Any ni80 builds should work great. We like simple spaced round wire builds in around 0.3-0.5 in our NarCA. Even a 0.3 or higher all ni80 Clapton could work nicely. Enjoy it and vape on!