The Ontario Government is passing a law that will ban vaping in public areas which is acceptable, we as vapers should be respectful of everyone around us and vape without blowing clouds around people that may not appreciate it. But, and a big but, the law will also ban vaping in vape stores which should be exempt (and is in a similar law passed in Saskatewan). A big part of our culture is trying new Flavours, sharing building methods, and hanging out with each other (being proud that we have found a healthier alternative to smoking).
We need to stand together and protect our rights to vape, not only for ourselves but for those who haven’t yet found vaping. Think about how hard it would be to get into vaping without being able to try it first? Not only would this be a major new hurdle, but the government is also trying to enact similar treatment to E-liquid as tobacco products here in Ontario. This would mean putting all bottles behind the counter out of view, making it hard to know what your local store carries (and they won’t be allowed to tell you either) and you won’t be able to vape in-store, so trying them would be out of the question too. We hope you now understand the serious consequences these new laws have and how much it will impact our vaping culture.
So please show up December 5th at Queens Park to gather and stand up for our rights. Think about how you present yourself while there, blowing huge clouds and acting aggressively will most likely do more damage than good. We need our government and all governments frankly to understand the benefit to health vaping provides, we need them to take us more seriously and do more research (so many governments aren’t doing due diligence and just lump vaping in with tobacco). The only way to get the attention we need is to do it with class, showing up as a large group standing peacefully with signs that talk to all the health benefits and all the great stories we hear of longterm smokers finally finding an alternative after many years of trying to quit. It’s in these messages we will be heard not a large group of people wafting clouds of vapor.
It’s time to act, vaping is in major jeopardy here in Ontario, if we rollover to these laws it will only open the door for more restrictions (like flavours, what would vaping be like with only one flavour to choose from?). The bigger the numbers that attend the stronger the message will be, so bring your friends and family (they are happy to have you not smoking for sure) to help support.
For more event information and details there is a group invite on Facebook: Ontario Vapers United